UK Border Force accreditation
Yes, companies using our system can apply for accreditation. All applications submitted so far by companies using our system have been successful.
To apply for accreditation, please complete the application below the link, attach the relevant documents and send the complete application to the email below.
Clandestine Entrants Civil Penalty Team
Border Force South East & Europe
Ground Floor, Martello House
Shearway Road
Shearway Business Park
Kent. CT19 4RH
T: 00 44 (0)1303 299 298
Email: BF.CPAS@homeoffice.gov.uk
Web: www.gov.uk/border-force
For the driver
Between 5 and 15 minutes depending on the type of check. Two checkpoints are compulsory at the stopover, at the last stop everything must be checked.
The system requires an Internet connection in order to carry out checks and operate the checklist. PDF files can be generated for offline access
The system will work with Andriid and iOS devices with a web browser to perform the checks and any computer with a web browser (Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) in the current version.
The system requires a login to access and manage the checklist. A driver completing a checklist opens it via a dedicated link.
Integrations are to be agreed with our programming department.
At the moment, it is not possible to connect to the application via the API.
Yes, it can be used with any type of vehicle.
Yes, you can send messages to the driver, however, there is a limited number of SMS that can be sent for each checklist.
Yes, there is a possibility. You can request a trial account with 3 checklists.
Polish, English
Yes the application contains all the elements recommended by the BF even exceeding them.
Yes, it will improve its safety and document the checks carried out along the route.
Yes, there is a status in the app for every check also for those not started and to check in real time the correctness of the checks carried out.
All partial inspections carried out including photographs of their location and time of execution.
Inero Software
Yes, the application is maintained and updated by INERO Software.

Check, document, inspect and prove that you did everything to make sure you do not bring clandestine entrants to England.